(WIP) Basis of Reality: A train of thought into how reality was formed.

I am not a theoretical physicist, but I do love to daydream so this is what popped into my head one hazy night.


  • There are 3 states of being, 0 1 and (0 and 1). 0 being nothingness, and 1 being the state of being, and (0,1) both at the same time.
  • In order for nothing to be defined, and therefore exist, there has to be a state of being, so we can not talk about 0 without there being a 1.


If there cannot be nothing without there being something, then it makes sense that reality spontaneously came into being with a chain reaction of nothing, triggering something into being and in return more nothing to balance out the equation. For the case of (0 and 1), I call those divergence breaking points in reality where it can go either way but it is much more efficient (less energy) to keep doing what was done before. So if in the links of the reality chain, before (0 and 1) there was a 0, then there is a greater chance of (0 and 1) acting like a 0. It can still act as a 1, but that would be a divergence point where a new chain of reality is born.