I love the Parse platform, used it in my previous project so I wanted to apply for their open "Software Engineer (Platform)" position. They give 2 options: You can send in your resume+cover letter via email OR... send a POST with relevant info to https://www.parse.com/jobs/apply
OK, first of all second option is more fun, and I will learn some new things. But the problem is, how do I make my job application unique? Why not make an android app to send the job app via the job app API, a la app-ception :) Eureka!
Here is the plan:
- Pull profile from LinkedIn
- Form a JSON just the way Parse wants it using that profile
- POST json to URL
Go to developer.linkedin.com, sign in with your LinkedIn account and create an app. Under "OAuth User Agreement", find "Default Scope" and check "r_basicprofile, r_fullprofile, r_emailaddress, r_contactinfo". Once created, note down the OAuth Keys. You will need them.
LinkedIn uses OAuth, so you will need https://github.com/fernandezpablo85/scribe-java. Read the instructions, download all the required libraries. There is also linkedin-j, but I preferred Scribe.
Create your android application, I use Eclipse, and import the libraries. Now you got all you need to start.
You can find my code for the app @ https://github.com/madmed/ParseJobApplication_App
If you need any help, let me know and I will do my best to explain. In the mean time, enjoy!